Another option I have considered is action. I feel like it would be the second most accurately way that my story can still be properly illustrated. My second idea could be to develop a story about a man, which is walking to a friends house while having a big fight with his mom by a phone call. They hung up and then enters his friends house finally. After a while, he receives a call again from his mom, at which he finally replies and answers madly, to the surprise that it was not his mother, instead a neighbor that heard screams, went in, and found his mom dead, thinking it was a heart attack. He then goes into the crime scene to find out it was not accident, someone broke in, and committed the murder. Now, he is looking for the responsible for his mother death.
Action movies are often driven by lower lightning. This type of films is often driven by fighting against evil or revenge, which in my case, would be the chosen one. The use of music is key, as it illustrates the stress every situation generates more accordingly to what the production wants but also adds depth to the character.
An action film needs to have good writing, meaning, and good actor performances at expressing hate and desire to do what is good. That being said, the story has to have a good story and meaning on why is everyone doing what they are doing.
This movie perfectly represents what I would like to illustrate in my opening, with a significant meaning on his revenge and also with a great actor performance and soundtracks, that make this one of the most acknowledgeable action movies of all time.
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