Trick r Treat (2007)
Moving on with horror, Trick r Treat illustrates one of the ideas in my mind perfectly. Specifically, I loved the shots where it looks like a pov coming from this evil toy, which I can twist and make it like the friend did not expect the visit and looks carefully who it is in the door through the window before opening it.
My idea is still start with the black screen and writing a quote that relates to the unexpected of someone's actions.
For the credits, It would be appearing as the movie goes on, the first names appearing while the character is walking, being the last, the production, which would appear either when the bad character opens the door or when they start talking about this friends incident. The title of the film will appear at the very end of the sequence, once the friend is caught with the body of the disappeared one and the bad friend attacks him. From now on, the villain of the film is called Roy, the initial guy is called Tom, and the disappeared one is called Sam.
Sam will still be in a picture of the 3 of them in the kitchen counter, when the character sees him and states he misses him, alluding to the topic that he is missing and preventing the movie of reveling the issue, instead it's done indirectly and adds naturalism and flow with the story as it would normally do, instead of forcing the atrocity right in.
The characters will be using very informal clothes, as they are just chilling and having a good time in the house. The lightning inside the house would be yellow-ish, which shows discomfort and bad sentiment, like an obscure place to be in, but always the full view of the house will be with lower lightning, specially in the garage.
At the beginning, bugs will be hear to express the night and how he is outside, but then it will be absent at all times, being with complete diegetic sounds to make it more uncomfortable, but, when Tom starts to wonder about the noise in the garage, it starts a low to high song that drops when the body is found and Roy stands behind him.
To finish, a shot of the garage followed by screams and horrifying moans is seen while the title is seen on screen, being then the opening finished.
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