Lightning for a horror film is very important, as it makes the people watching feel connected with what they are watching and helps to get the meaning deeper and as I want.
For the part where they are all tied up and the killer is introduced, my idea is to make the place look with a yellow tonality, as it expresses discomfort and is associated with dirtiness and ugliness.
Let's take a not related example, the backrooms:
This place is a fictional internet location that really I don't know where it came from or who started it, but it shows my point.
This place itself creates discomfort for some reason, the feeling of now belonging and/or being somewhere unknown, but also the light. Being yellow makes you feel even worse, you don't want to be there, and that's where I want to take this place.
Also, It will have darker specific contrasts, with the character's faces, the surroundings, and setting. My idea is to set a place where the lack of light and yellow is very present.
Adding up, the red of blood must really be highlighted, it has to really shine. Followed by the sweat and tears, it has to be a very vivid moment.
For the flashback, there will be natural lightning, not anything special. Light will be a cool, white, but nothing much. I don't see a reason why on why to add any tension by difference in lightning that scene.
What I ill touch in my next blog, is the set, so keep updated for any of my following posts.
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