domingo, 9 de marzo de 2025

Production #4 - Cambridge Portfolio Project

 Hi blog, this week I got finally things moving.

My friends turned out to be all of a sudden celebrities and no one could be available to shoot anywhere soon. So, I recruited my family members, and in consequence had to change the story a little bit.  

The shooting is now in my house, and the whole garage scene had to be replaced as I don’t have one, the device is going to be my phone and instead of being a group of friends, ironiccaly it’s family. The beginning scene is still the similar, with obviously the slight detail that the script and sequence is not the same. 

The idea is that now, the setting is my laundry room, and the character is my brother, so I can develop my shots correctly. The antagonist will be my dad, which will be the uncle (the antagonist) of the story.

An example of the shot:

Due to technical dificulties I could just take a picture of one of the takes to upload, as my videos are not loading.

In the after process i’ll make everything darker and with more other things that i’ll show you in the next blog, for this to be the best that I can. I may have to re shoot some sequences because I probably let too much light through and it’s going to be more difficult to edit. Also, I may have to actually make up blood on him, because I thought about making the thing different and him being tied up to be kept safe, but as I am writting this I am thinking more about it and may end up re shooting the whole thing.

What’s up with the flashback now? The idea is for them to go on a fishing trip, as I already count with props due to my brother being fascinated with the sport. He’ll be ready with the stuff and they will talk until leaving to their adventure.

My next post is about the editing process which is the most difficult part. Wish me luck!

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CCR #3 - Cambridge Portfolio Project

The third question to answer is the following:  How did your production skills develop throughout this project? I want to answer very inform...