jueves, 13 de marzo de 2025

Group Meetings #2 - Cambridge Portfolio Project

 With the group today we discussed about everyone's projects, and we are all doing very similar and very good. We had some doubts about the CCR and what creative ways we could use to make the best out of it. I also realized that I need one more format for my creative reflection, so in consequence I have to think about one more way to answer the questions. 

I came up with an idea, maybe not the best, but at least I think it's original. I will do a what do you do for a living video, where she tells me that she likes my car and what do i do for a living.

There I then will answer that i’m a film producer and proceed to explain what my movie is about etc. Then, they will ask me about the last 2 questions of the CCR but informally, it will be natural and will be really just a normal guy asking questions for his video.

With that set aside, in the meetings also we discussed about how they used the color gradings and mainly editing, which helped me realize some things about my own project and look forward to change them.

I will upload in my next blog my answer to the 2 question and explain my plana thorough.

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CCR #3 - Cambridge Portfolio Project

The third question to answer is the following:  How did your production skills develop throughout this project? I want to answer very inform...