jueves, 13 de marzo de 2025

New Script - Cambridge Portfolio Project

A lot of changes on  the script has been made in the opening, as I told before, I did not do it with my friends but my family. 

Now, the new and final version will start with my brother just being tied up, and the camera being showing where he is at and his desperation about being trapped and not knowing what happened, when It flashbacks a week earlier. 

My brother is fishing, normally, when my father that interpretates a stranger, pulls up to the scene. He starts talking to him, just about fishing, when he asks him what grade is he in, surprisingly.  My brother just responds 7th grade, and then he does a weird comment, which sets my brother off. As my brother just stares in analyzing what he said, This man says that he has to leave, but he will see him and my mom around. 

I decided to give this a more abuser type of way, where the antagonist is just a perverted and psychopath, and will supposedly hunt them for the next week until the first scene happens, of course in the imaginary full film which I am not supposed to do. 

I had to come up with this idea due to obviously the issues I mentioned before, but also I think this version is the better one of all I did. I am really happy with the result and hope that everyone does too. 

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CCR #2 - Cambridge Portfolio Project

The second question in the CCR to answer is:  How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media te...